Why disability insurance is just as important as life insurance
Kavitha Menon | Disability, partial or complete, due to accident or illness, makes it impossible for a person to continue earning as he or she did before the unfortunate accident or illness. In financial planning lingo, both death and disability mean loss of income. This loss of income needs to be covered using insurance. While most do have life cover, we cannot be completely assured of our families' financial safety without a complete disability cover. How much disability cover do we need? A cover equivalent to life cover is needed. The product should give a lumpsum amount, equivalent to sum assured, should one be unable to work productively in case of a physical or mental disability. Surprisingly there seems to be a huge lacuna in the product offerings from insurance companies in this space. Not only is there a lacuna there is also a lot of confusion on what such a product would offer. Disability insurance is not the same as accident cover. An accident cover protects again...