The Indian Depository Receipt – An easy way to make global investments
A Depository Receipt is a type of negotiable (transferable) financial security that is traded on a local stock exchange but represents a security, usually in the form of equity, that is issued by a foreign publicly listed company.( Source: ). An I DR (Indian Depository Receipt) is issued by a foreign company raising funds from the Indian market. IDRs are rupee-denominated and created by a domestic depository against the underlying equity shares of a foreign company. Sounds complicated? Let’s explain with a live example from our markets. Very recently Standard Chartered Bank which is a foreign company listed in the UK issued its first IDR in India. Effectively it purchased its own shares listed in UK ,deposited the same with a custodian -The Bank of New York Mellon ,on behalf of a Indian depository which is Standard Chartered Bank, Mumbai and against every 1/10 Standard Chartered share issued 1 IDR to Indian investors . Thus the Indian investor does not direc...